Meanmenü Test

Mobile Navigation


  • Klein und leicht
  • Paar Optionen


  • Aufgeklappte Menüpunkte klappen nicht automatisch zu wenn ein anderer aufgeklappt wird! Mist!


  • Da kann ich auch Slicknav nehmen...



There are the following options (Options are shown with their defaults)...

meanMenuContainer: 'body'
- Choose where meanmenu will be placed within the HTML

meanMenuClose: "X"
- Single character you want to represent the close menu button

meanMenuCloseSize: "18px"
- Set font size of close button

meanMenuOpen: ""
- Text/markup you want when menu is closed, styling in CSS provides 3 bars with these spans

meanRevealPosition: "right"
- Left right or center positions

meanRevealPositionDistance: "0"
- Tweak the position of the menu

meanRevealColour: ""
- Override CSS colours for the reveal background

meanScreenWidth: "480"
- Set the screen width you want meanmenu to kick in at

meanNavPush: ""
- Set a height here in px, em or % if you want to budge your layout now the navigation is missing.

meanShowChildren: true
- true to show children in the menu, false to hide them

meanExpandableChildren: true
- true to allow expand/collapse children

meanExpand: "+"
- single character you want to represent the expand for ULs

meanContract: "-"
- single character you want to represent the contract for ULs

meanRemoveAttrs: false
- true to remove classes and IDs, false to keep them

onePage: false
- set to true for one page sites, the navigation will close back up on itself on click

removeElements: ""
- enter comma separated values in here of elements you want hidden from the container of meanmenu e.g. if you had a search box called .search, enter ".search" in here

meanDisplay: "block"
- by default this is block, sometimes you may want to switch this to table or table-cell or inline-block etc. so now you can.